With rising temperatures and increasing urbanisation across Asia, traditional air conditioning systems pose significant challenges, including high energy consumption, environmental impact, and strain on power grids.

District cooling systems (DCS) are emerging as a sustainable solution to meet the growing demand for air conditioning while reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.

3 Pillars to Decarbonise a District

DCS offers a compelling alternative by centralising cooling production and distribution, serving multiple buildings or facilities within a defined area. It leverages economies of scale to optimise energy efficiency and reduce operating costs.

By utilising advanced technologies, ENGIE, the leading district cooling network operator, can help deliver reliable and sustainable cooling solutions to meet the needs of diverse urban environments.

Decarbonise a with our District Cooling Systems

ENGIE’s District Cooling Systems in Southeast Asia

Singapore is home to 1 of 5 centers of expertise worldwide with the objective of developing local DCS expertise in the region.

Across Southeast Asia, there are currently 6 networks – 2 in operation and 4 under construction.

Over 77,000 RT

delivered to clients

Over 20 km

of distribution network

19,410 tonnes

of tCO2 emission avoided per year

DCS in Southeast Asia
  • Singapore
    Punggol Digital District
    • JTC DCS: 23,000 RT
    • 3,700 tonnes of CO2 avoided each year
    • 30% reduction of energy consumption
    SIT Campus in Punggol
    • SIT DCS: 7,800 (+5,000 RT*)
    • 1,960 tonnes CO2 avoided per year
    • 30% reduction of energy consumption
    • 1km network covering 253,000 sqm

    *for future expansion

  • Malaysia
    Megajana DCS
    • 25,700 RT & 47 Buildings
    • 4,850 tonnes of CO2 avoided each year
    • 97,500 RTh of thermal storage
    Sunway City
    • Sunway South Quay CP2 DCS: 7,000 RT
    • 20% reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions
  • Philippines
    Festival Mall
    • 11,400 RT & 2 Buildings
    • Centralised cooling system for 5th largest mall in the Philippines
    • 2,375 tonnes of CO2 saved per year
    Northgate Cyberzone
    • 12,000 RT & 16 Buildings
    • 1st Brownfield District Cooling project in the Philippines
    • 8,900 tonnes of CO2 avoided per year
    • 39% reduction of electricity consumption each year
    • 60% savings on cooling and electrical capacities

Benefits of District Cooling Systems

Cost Reduction

Through improved performance, economies of scale, and optimised capital allocation.

Energy Savings & Performance

Optimisation of operational performance and energy efficiency up to 30%.


Count on us to support the design and build risks and provide 24/7 access to our reliable on-call technical team.

Risk Reduction & Stability

Externalisation of financial and operational risks. Stable and predictable cash flows over contract duration.

The Simplicity Of A Service

Experience seamless operations with a dedicated skilled team, no O&M constraint and elimination of regulatory and obsolescence concerns.

Increased Asset Value

Through newly available valuable spaces (e.g. rooftops or basements), improved aesthetics, acoustics, and elevated building class attractiveness.

A Sustainable Solution

To maximise energy and resource efficiency, minimise carbon footprint with reduce usage of materials, and mitigate heat island effect.

In line with Green Mark requirements for:

  • High energy performance standards
  • Improved overall energy efficiency
  • Embedded measuring systems
  • Long term reliability

ENGIE South East Asia

Understanding Real Estate Solutions

Project References