

ENGIE One Finance: Empowering Unity, Elevating Skills with WSG Career Conversion Programme

At ENGIE, our greatest strength lies in our people. As we expand in Southeast Asia, we have transformed our Finance department into a cohesive, high-performing unit. One of the approaches was through the WSG Career Conversion Programme (CCP) for Accounting Professionals programme. 


Overview of CCP

The CCP for Accounting Professionals aims to equip mid-career professionals with the necessary skill sets to take on finance and accounting job roles, and to reskill in-employment finance and accounting professionals into new or redesigned job roles,  with up to 90% salary support. ENGIE has actively put our Finance professionals through the CCP under the Job Redesign Reskilling (JRR) mode, where employees are reskilled to take on growth job roles aligned with the newly restructured One Finance Team.


Our Transformative Journey

The journey to restructure and develop the new One Finance Formation aimed to:


Programme Structure

The CCP is On-the-Job (OJT) centric, where employers offer . structured on-the-job training (OJT) tailored for the CCP trainees’ job roles, and support trainees to acquire industry-validated Technical Skills and Competencies (TSCs). Our journey had challenges, from synchronising communications to the application process, crafted accordingly for the programme requirements. Strong leadership and a clear vision helped us navigate these hurdles, aligning our team with the programme’s objectives.

The results have been impressive. Our finance team is progressing towards operating as a more unified force, with increasingly synchronized operations and developing skillsets across lines of business. This ongoing transformation is continuously improving efficiency and fostering significant personal and professional growth among our employees.


Employee Testimonials


Our goal is to perpetuate a culture of growth and development, ensuring all our employees have the opportunity to thrive. ENGIE’s journey with the WSG Career Conversion Programme reflects our unwavering commitment to employee development and support for government initiatives. By investing in our people, we’re building a stronger, more unified finance team ready to drive success in Southeast Asia.